Embarking on a Voyage to Sow: Most Rev. Ruperto Cruz Santos installed as the 5th Bishop of Antipolo

Chelsea Anne Zapanta | Staffer | The OLPSian Times

OLPS Student representative paid respect to the new bishop of Antipolo,
Most Rev. Ruperto Santos, DD. (Photo Courtesy of OLPS Media)

On July 22, 2023, The Diocese of Antipolo installed its new shepherd, Most Rev. Ruperto Cruz Santos, D.D. as he starts his voyage to sow during the Liturgical Rite of Reception and the Canonical Installation of the Fifth Bishop of Antipolo.
Ad Seminandum” (To Sow), as the main motto of the installation, came from the many parables that Jesus used to present to them an image of everyday life to eventually make them understand the mystery of the Kingdom of God. The majority of Bishop Santos’ ministry has been with formation, teaching, and preaching—in the parish, the seminary, and foreign lands.
In his installation on July 22, 2023, led by Archbishop Charles John Brown, he started his homily by expressing gratitude to all the people witnessing the canonical installation. Bishop Santos then vowed to be a ‘servant’ to the church—kaisa, katuwang, and katulong.
As he concludes his first homily as the Bishop of Antipolo, he says: “I come to you here not as someone powerful. Here I am, like you, one with you, a partner with you in the work of the Lord.
Our Lady of Peace School opens its doors to our dear clergy, media, guests, and friends as part of the school’s transcending mission in committing to actively participate in parish and community activities and projects and be one with the Antipolensis, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Antipolo, and The Antipolo Cathedral in successfully staging a momentous occasion.

Blue Marching Condors welcomed the guest and delegates during Bishop Ruperto’s Installation. (Photo Courtesy of OLPS Media)

Moreover, OLPS’ Blue Marching Condors welcomed guests and delegates to the event with a performance. OLPS has also become a media center and a vesting location for clergy.

OLPS personnel attend Bishop Ruperto Santos, D.D.’s Canonical Installation Eucharistic Celebration at the International Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage. (Photo Courtesy of OLPS Media)

OLPS employees attend the eucharistic celebration of Bishop Ruperto Santos, D.D.,’s Canonical Installation at the International Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage. The installation event is crucial because the new school director will be recognized as Antipolo’s Fifth Bishop.

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